
Foot corns are hardened layers of skin that develop from your skin’s response to friction and pressure. You may have corns if you experience the following symptoms on the tips and the sides of your toes or the bottom of your feet:-

  • rough, tough, yellowing patch of lumpy or bumpy skin 
  • skin that’s sensitive to touch
  • pain when wearing shoes

Corns can be superficial or quite deep and vary from being a mere irritation to feeling like you are walking on a stone constantly and be really very painful.

Removing a corn safely is a skilled task and should only be undertaken by a qualified practitioner.  First the skin will be cleaned, then using a sterile scalpel the thickened dead skin cells can be parred away safely using the ‘safe scalpel technique’.  Sometimes a burr is also used to fully enucleate the corn. Whilst the treatment can occasionally feel a little uncomfortable, the relief once the corn has been removed is immediate.

The best way to prevent corns from forming or returning is to make sure you wear comfortable shoes that fit your feet properly. Your toes should be able to move easily in them. If you’re breaking in shoes, wear socks that are thick over your toes. You can also cover the tops of your toes and sides of your feet with breathable bandages where they are prone to corns. Finally, keep your toenails trimmed, as long toenails can cause your toes to be in an abnormal position.